Thursday, 14 July 2011

No One Admits It ........

Whether it's you, your partner, maybe the children or even visitors to your home - no one admits it ....... that they have smelly feet, but let's be honest - we all know someone who dreads removing their shoes or boots at your house.  You know the aroma - as you pass the shoes by the front door or maybe you have got to the stage of leaving them outside ........ always makes me smile when I drive pass a house and see a pair of trainers on the doorstep ......... we all know why they are there and its not because they've got mud on them !  I could help with my shoe scenters - perfect, filled with lavendar, place them in shoes/boots as soon as you take them off and voila - no more smelly smells xxx

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Sweets, I remember ...

I have a confession - I've now reached that age when I can remember things the way they used to be - when Snickers were Marathons, Starbursts were Opal Fruits.  Do you remember when you could pop into your local newsagent with your 10p and come out with a huge brown bag bulging with sweets - 1p brought you two gobstoppers, 2p brought you two blackjacks and two fruit salads, liquoric strips and string, parma violets, flying saucers and refreshers.  Then there were shrimps and white mice, fangs and teeth, milk bottles and love hearts and the best of all space dust and popping candy.  I know, I'm way ahead of you ..... I'm getting old ... sigh, sigh